Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The online Journal

(a short story)
20 Dec 1998
''Press Release, phone calls, e-mail bombardments, ticker, editing,sound and bytes, Oh ! Its making me crazy. I cannot bear it any more. I cannot play ananny to storiesproduced by others. I want to bear something of my own, nurse andnurture my extended self that I can claim MINE", Nemi blasted out before Jena.
''What What What come again?'', she asked bamboozled.
''I will go mad. I have no time to think but my mind is never at rest.In the mid of night I will get a call `six girls children have died in hut in remote part ofIndia of hunger'. I work hard to get it covered for this national channel. And when I sleep in the night all the dead girls alive in my mind with their bones popping out. Oh! I have gonemad. I need a psychiatrist. ''''O !!!" she exclaimed trying to gather sense out of the conversation.``
Well, I think, you need a leave.'' she said in a matter of fact tone.
''No, No No, " he shouted like a child. ``You are not getting me. Can you imagine a man who has been acting for last eight years without thinking? I want to stop and think. I want to think continuously eight years and want to find out some sense inthis nonsense work.''
''Well, you are working for the people. You cannot say like that. You have broken big stories. You are a professional Journalist.''
''A Professional Journalist! I am a journalist, a devoted journalist.But at the end of the day I feel have only worked for media houses, not for the people. I am tired of it. I will leave it''.
''What do you mean ?''
''Going alone, no means of communication.''
''You have gone mad.''
''May be.''
''Where will you go and for how long?''
''I do not know. But I want to think. ''
''I always enjoy reading your thoughts, so please write to me.''
''I would love to read you on your online Journal. Please write for me, Please!!'' She hold
his hands.
''Ok! I will do it for you, only for you.'' he said smilingly with a sweet sadness sprink led across the face.
10 Jan 2007' ...
From the past 10 years I am translating my thoughts to words. I feel your presencevery deep in my mind, and I am writing to you for the promise I made to you. But ... why am I writing to you so religiously'
...From''The Online Journal''

After fifteen years.
The online Journal is awarded for the best on line Journal and they meet in the award function.
''You have saved my mind.'' He said to her.
''I have saved Journalism through the on line Journal. You wrote a lot for me, and today every one is looking at me. I love it.''
The end